The Mighty Rhombic is the "KING of Wire Antennas".
Please go to the Blog to see all the blog topics, ranging from wire antennas, Curtain antennas, baluns, VOA sites, LPDA, W6AM, W7URA, Feed-lines, and 4KS Walz Airport at Kiowa, KS.
TO SEE, the complete Blog list check @ https://www.k0uo.com/k0uo
Then click on the blogs header that you want to read at the top of the header page.
The ARRL, RSGB, Switzerland, and so many other amateur radio organizations use the Diamond Logo, which is in fact a Rhombic antenna.
K0UO is working on the "Lost Art of Rhombics" with four of these large wire antennas, and two 1200 foot V-Beams (VEE) at the Kansas QTH. These are beaming to the eight main DX areas, with phasing for more steering. There is also information on large distributed fed curtains, LPDA, and beverage antennas.
See my call on QRZ, https://www.qrz.com/db/K0UO, or type in my call K0UO for more information and photos. Each Rhombic antenna uses over 1/2 Mile of 3/8" cable. They are erected on 100 foot wooden utility poles, also the site has two large V Beam antennas which are over 1200 foot long each. Miles of wire in the air and on the Air. Build Them and the DX will Come!
TO SEE, the complete Blog list check @ https://www.k0uo.com/k0uo
Then click on the blogs header that you want to read.
General Steve Walz
I hope the this will serve as a useful source to those seeking inspiration on building large wire antenna, or if you need help advice on your project. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our world. Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together. If you have had or currently have rhombic or Vee beams up please provide us all the information about your projects. Most people don't really understand how much gain can be achieved out of these antennas and modeling doesn't do them Justice. All of my antennas have had measurements using broadcast type metering equipment for E&H field in the far field.
email @ k0uo@arrl.net
Your Go-To Source
Welcome to KOUO rhombic antenna Farm, a unique blog here for you to explore. Building installing and using large antennas has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.
Thanks for your interest in my amateur radio station K0UO, and particularly my rhombic antennas which are some of the largest amateur radio antennas in the United States. Each one taking over six and a half acres of property. these rhombic and Vee beam antennas are optimized for 40 and above.
My email  k0uo@arrl.net
K0UO Rhombic antenna Farm